Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Project 7 Participation

"the volcano just kind of appears out of nowhere. If it had a smoother entrance it would improve the flow quite a bit. "
-Matt Mensher's blog
"It seems like just 0:08-0:15 would be good enough for the logo. The panning shots seem unnecessarily long for a logo that will, theoretically, be seen every single time a game boots up. "
Daniyal Khan's blog
 "Looks good, but you could probably dull the colors on the photo background a little, so it doesn't stand out more than the text." -Jarmando's blog
"Fading to black would look better than fading to white. Other than that it looks professional. " Alexander Weitzner's blog
 "It looks really inert, and the border looks rough. "
-Joseph Verducci's blog

Project 7 Concept Development

Project 6 Deliverable

Project 7 Research draft


Wall (scaled down)
Wall Decor (will have to be cropped)

Door(scaled down)
Brick Wall Texture (


Project 6 Participation

"Looks good, but you could probably dull the colors on the photo background a little, so it doesn't stand out more than the text.

- The logic behind using the starry/ night sky background is clear since it is a game about worlds. And the background selection supports the concept.
-The font choice works, though it should be smoothed out a bit.
- the color palate is fine.
-I do not see how a logo type could be inserted considering the canvas size.
" Jarmando

At the time of this posting this was the only blog that had a finished animated logo.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Project 6 Concept Development

Project 6 - Research

The two title screen openings I chose that inspired my design for my title screen were as follows

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption -

It's use of clashing fonts and fake "glitches" to create a unique atmosphere of something breaking down. Since Urban Sandcastle would deal heavily with what happens to a society when it's technology unexpectedly fails, this is a good inspiration.


The title screen, briefly seen in this trailer, evokes the image of a spy broadcast accidentally stumbled upon by a civilian as he channel surfs. It feels like the logo, which indicates the broadcast originates from the antagonists, a rouge CIA cell known as the "peace sentinels", is not something we are supposed to see.

Project 6 Concept Development.

Project 5 Participation

"Good variety in images used, I'm interested to see how the Knights fit into the halo-like atmosphere. "

"The swatches are a bit limited, but the images fit really well together. 

"They look somewhat similar to each other, but I do like how they present a consistent atmosphere."

"the last mood board is a bit confusing when compared to the others, and the second could use a few more color swatches, but besides that it looks good. "

"One image per mood board is very limited and does not give us a good sense of the atmosphere of each level. "

"A single image per mood board is too few to get a feel of each level, though the color swatches is good. "

"A few more images would have helped get the themes across better."

"More images per mood board are needed to properly get the theme across."

"You dont have a mood board to represent the player, and overall you could use more than one image per moodboard to get the themes across better. "

Project 5 Deliverable